Jade Enright

Vice-President of Music

Jade is currently in his fourth year of an Electrical and Electronic engineering degree, however he has garnered much experience in A Cappella music since he joined the Blenders Chorus in 2009. Jade was also present for the first rehearsal and performance of the South East Corner’s Association (later rebranded the Blenders Youth Chorus). In these two Choruses Jade has performed and competed on stages all over Australia.

At the suggestion of a member of the Blenders who was instrumental in the creation of Serotonin. Jade joined the club approximately halfway through its first semester and in the years that followed has served as both the bass section leader and the librarian of the group prior to his current position.

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Your Choir/Chorus Name
8901 Marmora Road 
Glasgow, D04 89GR.

Freephone: +1 800 559 6580
Telephone: +1 800 603 6035
FAX: +1 800 889 9898

E-mail: [email protected]